Cosmoscow Blog

"Drama" by Yevgeny Granilshchikov

In a situation of a global uncertainty and crisis, it seems very timely to stop, outline scenarios for the possible future, find ways to overcome the situation of instability, and understand yourself.

On April 18 and 19, Cosmoscow Foundation of contemporary art support will host the public premiere of Yevgeny Granilshchikov's film "Drama" (2019, 22.40 min) on its website. The film was created with the support of the Foundation and represents the first work from the artist's planned trilogy about overcoming a personal crisis.

The video project was conceived as a documentary with elements of feature and experimental movie. "Drama" revolves around several interviews that the artist took from his friends over the course of a year, with the hope that these conversations will help him to cope with depression. Personal messages, phone conversations, stories told in front of the camera by the artist's friends, and documentation of their almost intimate life, create a special climate and shimmering plot of this video work. The film changes the genre three times, unexpectedly ending with a music video, which can be perceived as the result of the relationship of the characters, an act of their solidarity.

Yevgeny Granilschikov works in various formats from three-minute videos shot on a mobile phone to film and video installations, which are constantly updated with new materials, becoming potentially endless. In an effort to find a new cinematic vision, he raises questions about the nature of cinema and the coexistence of various cinematic situations. Granilshchikov's works are often autobiographical in nature and include complex narratives that refer to the medium of the film itself and gain additional depth due to the specific use of cinematic imagery.

Yevgeny Granilshchikov (born in 1985) lives and works in Moscow. In 2009, he graduated From the Institute of Journalism and Literature Creativity in Moscow, and in 2013 – from the Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia named after A. Rodchenko. His recent solo exhibitions include "Time of Rehearsals" (Triumph gallery, Moscow, 2013),"Untitled (after defeats)" (Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, 2016). He also participated in many group exhibitions: “The Happy End” (Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, 2013), "11" (Garage Museum, Moscow, 2014), The 4th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art (2014), Burning News: Recent Art from Russia (Hayward Gallery, London, 2014), Borderlands (GRAD Gallery, London, 2015), The 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art (2015), "One inside another. Art of new and old media in the era of high-speed Internet" (Moscow Museum of Modern Art, 2016). Winner of the Kandinsky prize in the category " Young artist. Project of the year" (2013) and Open Frame Award of the goEast film festival (Wiesbaden, 2016).

The film was available for viewing over the weekend:
from April 18, 12: 00 to April 19, 24: 00.

In the meantime, we invite you to watch the record of Yevgeny Granilshchikov's public-talk with curator Alexey Maslyaev, which took place as part of the Cosmoscow Talks program in 2019.

2020-04-16 10:10