Cosmoscow News

Audi Born-Digital Award Winner Announced

Audi, together with the Cosmoscow Foundation for Contemporary Art, announces the winner of the Audi Born-Digital Award, which aims to support Russian media artists and the development of digital art in the country. According to the results of the meeting of the expert jury, which included the strongest curators of key international institutions - specialists in new media, Pavel Seldemirov with the project "The Becoming" was recognized as the winner of the competition and the author of the best concept for a digital project. The winner will receive 700,000 rubles for the implementation of the project, as well as a fee of 250,000 rubles.

Pavel Seldemirov is an art theorist and artist actively working with digital media. In his artistic practice, he is engaged in the construction of experiences and impressions, photography and semiotics of the image. Born in 1988 in Volgograd, lives and works in Moscow. Studied philosophy of art at the Jewish Museum and anthropology of the image at the Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Arts. A graduate of the School. Alexandra Rodchenko.

"The Becoming" project is a total installation that recreates the space of a poetically interpreted forest, filled with plants and portal displays. Visitors will be able to go on a journey where cultural artifacts and traces of 2020, which has already become an important milestone for all mankind, will appear among the virtual trees. A stone connected to a ventilator; a lake whose surface breaks like a showcase; coronavirus trapped in the river like deep-sea mines; the graph of the stock market crash in the form of mountains on the horizon - from these images the artist collects our collective dream, reminiscent of events on a planetary scale.

The installation is conceived by the artist as a mechanism that involves the viewer in crossing the border between the real and virtual worlds, referring to ritual practices in which the participant in the action crosses a certain line and, as a result, is unable to believe back. Armed with VR devices, several viewers will be able to plunge into a virtual space at once, where everyone will look like a vortex or a bunch of circulating elements. The core of the installation will be a multiplayer VR world-game made using the Unity game engine. Thanks to the multiplayer, it will be possible to "enter" the artwork from anywhere in the world.

The winner's project will be presented in the Audi City Moscow innovation space in September, ahead of the Cosmoscow contemporary art fair, as well as on our website.

More than 70 applications were submitted for the competition. The short list includes 10 artists and art associations: Egor Kraft, Danini, Anna Tolkacheva and Andrey Nosov, Pavel Seldemirov, Alexandra Anikina, Where Dogs Run, creative duet Museum of Ever-Playing Attractions (Anastasia Krokhaleva and Denis Perevalov) , Alexander Serechenko and Ekaterina Pryanichnikova, Anastasia Alekhina, Nikita Shokhov.

New, previously unrealized projects were accepted for participation in the competition, corresponding to the theme of the competition – "Borderline", read more in the material of our blog.

The website of the Audi Born-Digital Award will continue to work on the Digital Art Blog and the Born-Digital art movement, which brings together works of art created in the digital environment, until the end of the Cosmoscow fair. The purpose of the blog is to help the viewer understand the history of the direction, the main techniques and techniques used by the authors, as well as the main names in the field of digital art.
2020-07-27 14:24