Cosmoscow News

Cosmoscow Foundation launches a new series of professional interviews dedicated to contemporary culture

The Cosmoscow Foundation for Contemporary Art launches the second educational season with a new online course “How to Understand Contemporary Culture? Unpacking – Actual Assembly”, the purpose of which is to explore the general cultural landscape and create a theoretical basis for the study of contemporary art. Each interview includes a short digression into the recent history of the direction and the current state of the art at the moment.

The first season of "How to Collect Contemporary Art" helped me to start my path as a collector, to learn the peculiarities of relations with galleries, to freely navigate the names and find my own artists. The second is aimed at expanding the field of knowledge and immersion in global cultural phenomena.

How to understand modern culture? Unpacking – Actual Assembly” is a review cycle that is aimed at expanding the field of knowledge in various fields of culture, understanding its interdisciplinarity, and the interconnection of directions among themselves. 10 experts from such areas as theater, music, philosophy, dance, fashion, architecture, design, street art, cinema took part in the preparation of the new course. In their lectures, they help to immerse themselves in the global cultural context and trace the historical formation of one or another direction up to the present state.
2022-10-28 17:53