Cosmoscow News

Courses Schedule at “Blizhe” platform

On 15th of June “Blizhe”platform was launched, dedicated to the experimental forms of online learning, that was conceived as a testing ground for experimental distance learning opportunities for Russian artists.

Several courses are already available for viewing and your participation. Others will gradually appear at the platform till December 2020. We share a detailed schedule of courses launch with you, so that you do not miss the most interesting one and have time to enroll in time:

3 courses are fully available now:

1. A series of speculative workshops "Time сapsule as a therapy and form of commemoration" by Alisa Smorodina. A new educational course of the artist known for her speculative hacker workshops. Acting as an artist-mediator, Alisa Smorodina tries to organize a space in which communication between people and the synthesis of knowledge take place. In her course, Smorodina contemplates on the creation of a time capsule today, in the era of digital technologies, as an alternative method of resisting the reality and preserving memory, telling a fascinating story about the history of this phenomenon.

2.  Relaxing lecture and practical course  "Sound Healing" by Vasily Sumin. As part of the course, the artist invites you to plunge into a meditative state while listening to beautiful sounds. You will also learn about the history of phenomenon of "Sound Healing», it’s theorists and practicians and the main musical instruments that are used for this purpose.

3.  "Overview of somatic approaches" is a series of video courses and audio podcasts for self-discovery by an anonymous group VASYARUN. This is an intense extract of disparate and diverse schools from the beginning of the XX century, often not intersecting with each other, with the main idea of the body and mind unity.

21 June
Start of Vladimir Kartashov course "Re-transformation: creating post-virtual objects" in the format of master classes streamed in Twitch. The course consists of three classes:
● 21 June 18:00
● 4 July 18:00
● 19 July 18:00

24 June
Start of classes in the framework of the course "What do I see?", which will consist of lectures and participatory experiments in Zoom, Google presentations, Milanote, С The authors of the course: Jana Romanova and Maria Morina. To take part in the course you need to register until June, 22! Classes will be held according to the following schedule:
● 24 June, Wednesday, 19:00
● 1 July, Wednesday, 19:00
● 8 July, Wednesday, 19:00
● 15 July, Wednesday, 19:00
● 22 July, Wednesday, 19:00

25 June
Start of the lecture and practical course on creating a digital object in the art field "Ruins of the stream" by Anna Leonova and Sasha Puchkova. New videos will posted on Youtube every Thursday :
● 25 June
● 2 July
● 9 July
● 16 July
● 23 July

Alexandra Portyannikova’s online laboratory "Dancefloor Mycelium". Regular 1.5 hrs classes 2 times a week. Registration for the course will be announced later.

Lera Lerner, "Each time getting more of a circle. Related. Disсonnected". The course will include performative lectures - interviews with the participation of Fedor Hiroshige, Alexandra Gart, Alexander and Lisa Tsikarishvili, Dagnini, Nestor Engelke, Petr Shvetsov, Maria Danzis. Based on the results, the exam will be held in the format of an online carnival with the possibility for the audience to participate.

Maria Gorodetskaya "Unlearnt", a course of five Arcana cards.

NOGR collective "botable TALKS", a series of audio lectures and dialogue podcasts written on behalf of the telegram bot.

Anna Rotaenko "Contemporary art in memes", a course of five seminars for teenagers, applicants and students of art higher schools.

Alyona Papina "Site-specific art: introduction to the discourse of space and place"– 2-weeks intensive course with classes 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and the final presentation of projects. You will need ZOOM to participate.

iBiom collective "Four ways to save the world before it collapses". 4 modules of online conference will be held in October 2020; each week is dedicated to one topic.

Tatyana Danilevskaya, Nikolay Alekseev "Workshop on conscious coincidences" – online webinars with offline homework.

Sergei Morozov, the series of lectures "Voice In Art" about the history of the concept of voice in art. Sergei Morozov and Lera Kononchuk will analyze in detail the anatomical and physiological aspects of the formation of the voice in humans. The story of the use of voice in the performing arts will be accompanied by examples from the history of drama theater, opera and film. The special focus will be put on the phenomenon of voice in the fine arts – painting, sculpture, performative and interdisciplinary practices.